Over at the splendid "Girl-Wonder", I've a guest column up on the topic of sex, gender and the 2000 ad titles this year. If you might care to visit, and I hope you might, you can reach their splendid pages by clicking on the link to your right, in the box headed "TooBusyThinkingABoutMyComics on GIRL-WONDER". (One day I will grasp how to place links in these columns, I really will.) It's a good site run by good and bright folks, as I'm sure you know, so you might just want to go visit them through the link without worrying about what I'm waffling on about.
In the piece, I'm talking about some of the highs and lows of the year where the representations of women in the Rebellion publications are concerned. I also offer my nominations for my favourite three female characters in 2000 ad and the Megazine this year, all of whom come from strips that I gave a less-than-enthusiastic review to when they first appeared. Well, as I hope I'm also quick to admit, I do obviously know nothing. (I do wish I'd called this blog that in many ways.) Please do feel free to leave comments here or there. Long-term readers will know I live in fear of mistakes and welcome them being brought to my attention, even as my ego wilts, so do feel encouraged to disagree, in one form or another. I'm very much not used to having my words up elsewhere, where I can't continually correct and update them, but then, it's good for a blogger to know how it feels have work out there and beyond their control. A great measure of humility can't ever go amiss, I suspect, especially as I'm struggling to articulate my thoughts and feeling as regards the Rebellion books at the moment. Indeed, I'm very much of a mind that the comics deserve a reviewer who's more sympathetic overall to the current direction of 2000ad and the Megazine than I am at the moment. And, as a result, I feel quite uncomfortable with what I'm writing about those books, no matter how confident I may appear in my opinions and no matter how positive the reviews may at times be. So it's a good moment for this blogger to get a few helpful elbows in the ribs from folks, I suspect, just to install a fresh sense of perspective.

The column appears under the heading of OUT/THERE. Folks will of course recognise where those words come from, and whose splendid work I'm tipping my rather tattered hat to.
I really do think "Girl-Wonder" is a site worth visiting and supporting, folks. Why not pop over and say "hi" to the women and men there? There's no lack of interesting material at "Girl-Wonder", I assure you.
Coming soon, and in the next day or so too; A look at the Avengers of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in comparison to those of Brian Michael Bendis, or at least, a comparison of a part of each era's work. Do have a splendid day, and do "Stick together!".
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