What follows is a list (last updated 8/17/11) of all the uncollected comics available in digital format on the DC Comics/Comixology website, along with explanation and context for the issues where possible. Please bookmark this link (http://bit.ly/fye1gA) and share the URL as you see fit; this list will be constantly updated, and I appreciate any corrections or suggestions.
Action Comics #683
Only the last page of this issue, showing Doomsday breaking out of his underground prison, has been collected in the Death of Superman trade paperback. Roger Stern's Action Comics run was one of the gritter of the Superman titles at that time, and this issue pits moral Superman against a more Punisher-like (or should we say Wolverine) vigilante called the Jackal.
Action Comics #879-889
The main stories in these eleven issues are collected in Superman: Nightwing & Flamebird, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, but the Captain Atom co-feature by Greg Rucka and James Robinson remains uncollected, except available here.
Adventures of Superman #496
Only the last page of this book has been collected, in the Death of Superman trade paperback. Features Superman against Mr. Mxyzptlk by Jerry Ordway and Dennis Janke. From one of my favorite Superman eras (with Dan Jurgens on Superman and Louise Simonson on Man of Steel).
Azrael: Agent of the Bat #91
The Azrael series that spun out of Knightfall became Azrael: Agent of the Bat at the beginning of No Man's Land with issue #47 (Agent of the Bat seeming a precursor to the current Batman Inc.). Issue #91 crossed over with Batman: Gotham Knights #30 (also available digitally), both issues take place during the Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 collections, but neither were collected.
Batman #462-464
Mostly due to the release of Batman Retroactive: The '90s, DC has made available these three issues by Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle that see Batman on the West Coast in a mystery that involves a Native American Shaman. These stories took place between Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying and Knightfall, at around the same time as Robin: A Hero Reborn.
Batman #465
One of Tim Drake's earliest appearances as Robin, just after the events of Robin: A Hero Reborn.
Batman #601-602
Batman #601 is collected only in part in Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Vol. 1; Batman #602 has never been collected. Both involve Batman fighting the pyrotechnic villain Nicodemus, tangentially related to Fugitive.
Batman #634
This epilogue to Batman: War Games Vol. 3 crossover has not been collected. Takes place just before Batman: Under the Red Hood.
Batman #642
This fill in issue by Andersen Gabyrch (Gotham Knights) follows up on some of the changes to Killer Croc post-Batman: Hush and Batman: Broken City, and takes place between the Batman: Under the Hood Vol. 1 and Batman: War Crimes collections.
Batman #659-662
The four-part "Grotesk" story by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake of Spectre fame (among others). Came as an unrelated fill-in story during Grant Morrison's Batman: Batman and Son stories.
Batman #684
Continued from Detective Comics #851 (available digitally), this "Last Rites" story, called "Last Days of Gotham," followed Batman: RIP, but has not been collected.
Batman Beyond Vol. 2 #1-24
This is the Johnny DC (young readers) series released in conjunction with the cartoon; the Batman Beyond cartoon miniseries has been collected, but not this ongoing series. It's unlikely the new Batman Beyond series by Adam Beechen will reflect the continuity of this Johnny DC series.
Batman/Catwoman: Trail of the Gun
This was originally a two-part Prestige Format series, released later on as one DC Comics Presents volume mainly due to art by Green Lantern: Rebirth and Flash: Rebirth's Ethan Van Sciver. Ann Nocenti writes the story of Batman and Catwoman vying for a legendary untraceable gun.
Batman: Gotham Knights #1-12, #14-15
The Gotham Knights series that focused on Batman and his allies is entirely uncollected except for Batman crossovers like Batman: Officer Down, which collects issue #13.
Batman: Gotham Knights #28
Selections from this issue appear in the Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Vol. 1 trade paperback; however, the full issue has never been collected.
Batman: Gotham Knights #30
This issue, crossing over with Azrael: Agent of the Bat #91, has never been collected. It takes place between the pages of both the Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 collections, which take place essentially simultaneously.
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #21-23
Legends of the Dark Knight issues #1-20 -- the stories Shaman, Gothic, Prey, and Venom -- are all collected in trade paperback and available as DC/Comixology digital comics. Issues #21-23, the "Faith" storyline, are the first issues of Legends of the Dark Knight not to be collected.
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #24-26
The Flyer story by Howard Chaykin and Gil Kane is also not collected; the story deals with characters from Batman: Year One.
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #27
This is the second of the three-part "Destroyer" story that also ran in Batman #474 and Detective Comics #641, which reshaped Gotham City's architecture to resemble the first Tim Burton Batman film.
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #7-12
Only the first four issues of Shadow of the Bat are collected in Batman: The Last Arkham; the series is otherwise uncollected except for in Batman crossovers and the Batman: Anarky collection.
Batman: Streets of Gotham #1-13
While the first stories in these Streets of Gotham issues are collected in Batman: Streets of Gotham: Hush Money and Streets of Gotham: Leviathan, DC cancelled the collection of the Manhunter backup, Manhunter: Face-Off, due to low pre-orders. The co-features are available here along with the main story.
Birds of Prey: The Ravens
This one-shot, part of DC Comics's "GirlFrenzy" fifth-week event, was published around the same time as Birds of Prey: Batgirl. The latter special and the first six issues of Birds of Prey are collected in Birds of Prey: Old Friends, New Enemies, but not Ravens.
Birds of Prey Vol. 1 #41, #43
These two issues were collected in part in Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Vol. 1, but have never been collected in whole. These issues take place before Birds of Prey: Of Like Minds.
Birds of Prey Vol. 1 #91
This fill-in issue by Jim Alexander with art by Brad Walker takes place during the Birds of Prey: Perfect Pitch collection.
Birds of Prey Vol. 1 #125
This single issue, never collected, fits between the Birds of Prey: Platinum Flats and Oracle: The Cure trade paperbacks, and teams Oracle and Black Canary one final time (for that iteration of Birds of Prey) before the end of that series.
Deadshot #1-5
A five-issue miniseries by Christos Gage, not really notable except for Deadshot's later appearance in the popular Secret Six by Gail Simone.
Detective Comics #851
This "Last Rites" story, called "Last Days of Gotham," followed Batman: RIP, but has not been collected. Continues in Batman #684, also uncollected but available digitally.
Detective Comics #861-863
The three part "Cutter" story by Greg Rucka followed Rucka's Batwoman: Elegy and starred Batwoman and Flamebird. Regrettably, it so far remains uncollected.
Detective Comics #866
DC Comics writer and editor Dennis O'Neil wrote this single issue that celebrated Batman's anniversary alongside Batman #700; the latter issue is collected in Batman: Time and the Batman, but the former remains uncollected.
Flash Vol. 2 #1, #15-18
Selected issues from William Messner-Loebs's early Flash Wally West run, published in conjunction with DC Retroactive: The Flash -- The '90s. The first issue of Flash Vol. 2 took place after the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths and Legends.
Flash Vol. 2 #142
The wedding of Wally West and Linda Park, by Mark Waid and Brian Augustyn. This story took place just after Flash: Emergency Stop and Flash: The Human Race by Grant Morrison and Mark Millar, and before the uncollected "Chain Lightning" storyline.
Green Arrow #22
Green Arrow versus Count Vertigo, in a story published between the end of Brad Meltzer's Green Arrow: The Archer's Quest and Judd Winick's Green Arrow: Straight Shooter.
Green Arrow #23-25
Begins a six-part story, "Black Circle: Urban Knights," teaming up the newly-resurrected Green Arrow Oliver Queen with Green Lantern Kyle Rayner for the first time. Takes place between the Green Arrow: The Archer's Quest and Green Arrow: Straight Shooter collections, and also after Green Lantern: Passing the Torch (but well before Green Lantern: Rebirth).
Green Arrow #33
DC excluded this single issue, by guest writer Scott Beatty with art by Shawn Martinbrough, from the Green Arrow: City Walls collection (stories otherwise written by Judd Winick). The story has to do with the Arrowcar and Green Arrow's relationships with the former and current Speedys, Roy Harper and Mia Dearden, and guest-stars a villain from Superboy's Hawaii days.
Green Arrow #53
This single issue by William Messner-Loebs was omitted from the Green Arrow: Heading into the Light collection.
Green Lantern: Mosaic #1
This short-lived Green Lantern series set on Oa starred Green Lantern John Stewart. A personal favorite.
Hawkman #26
Following Hawkman: Wings of Fury and the Justice Society crossover JSA: Black Reign, Josh Siegel wrote a one-shot vampire-focused issue, pencilled by John Byrne.
Hawkman #27
A "Times Past"-type issue by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, riffing on pulp detective stories in one of Hawkman's past lives.
Hawkman #28-36
These issues by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti saw Hawkman fighting Satanna (who'd later appear in their Power Girl series) and meeting their character Monolith. Their issues #37-45 are collected in the Hawkman: Rise of the Golden Eagle trade paperback.
Hawkman #46-49
These issues followed the Hawkman: Rise of the Golden Eagle trade paperback before the Hawkman series became Hawkgirl. The issues tied in to the Rann-Thanagar War and Infinite Crisis storylines.
Impulse #85
The Impulse series remains almost entirely uncollected except for the first six issues in Impulse: Reckless Youth, Flash: Dead Heat, Flash: Mercury Falling, and Brave and the Bold: Demons and Dragons. This issue is a crossover with Young Justice #44.
JLA #90
This issue by Joe Kelly deals with romantic fallout between Batman and Wonder Woman after the events of JLA: The Obsidian Age, published after the JLA: Trial By Fire collection.
JLA #91-93
A three-part story by longtime DC writer and editor Denny O'Neil that pits the Justice League against an alien threat, published between theJLA: Trial By Fire and Tenth Circle collections.
Justice League of America #29
This "Faces of Evil" issue by Len Wein focuses on the villain Starbreaker, late of Adam Strange: Planet Heist. This issue is skipped in the Justice League of America: When Worlds Collide collection.
Justice League of America #35-37
A diminished group of Justice Leaguers fight the Royal Flush Gang in this three-part story by comics legend Len Wein, published between the Justice League of America: When Worlds Collide and Justice League: Team History collections.
Legends of the DC Universe #1-3
This series featured a variety of out-of-continuity story arcs featuring heroes of the DC Universe, this first one pitting Superman against the Ultra-Humanite, written by James Robinson. The only issues of Legends of the DC Universe collected are in Batman: The Ring, the Arrow, and the Bat (issues #7-9), Green Lantern: Traitor and Superman: 3-2-1 Action.
Legends of the DC Universe #4-5
A two-part Wonder Woman story by William Messner-Loebs with art by Mike Deodato, who together were the long-time Wonder Woman creative team following the George Perez post-Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot. Their end-of-the-run Wonder Woman work is collected in The Contest and The Challenge of Artemis.
Legends of the DC Universe #6
This single issue retelling of Robin Dick Grayson's first meeting with Superman, by Kelley Puckett with Dave Taylor and Kevin Nowlan.
Legends of the DC Universe #12-13
A "classic" Justice League story by Christopher Priest. This incarnation of the Justice League is apparently Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Aquaman, the Atom, and Zatanna.
Legends of the DC Universe #15-17
Three Flash Barry Allen stories by well-known comics and science-fiction novel writer Michael Jan Freedman.
Legends of the DC Universe #18
A New Teen Titans story, focused on Raven and written by Raven's creator Marv Wolfman, that takes place just before the events of the New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol. 1.
Legends of the DC Universe #19
This Impulse story lead into the 1999 crossover JLApe, which involved the annuals of all the Justice League characters and saw them transformed into gorillas (no, really).
Legends of the DC Universe #22-23
The two-part "Transilvane" Superman story, featuring a number of Jack Kirby's Jimmy Olsen/Project Cadmus concepts.
Legends of the DC Universe #24-25
This is a two-part Darkseid story by James Delano and Steve Pugh.
Legends of the DC Universe #26=27
This is a two-part Aquaman/Batman team-up, following the events of the classic "Laughing Fish" Joker story, and written by noted Batman writer Steve Englehart.
Legends of the DC Universe #30-32
This three-part story by Christopher Priest addressed continuity issues regarding the Young All-Stars character Fury.
Nightwing #68-69
These two issues were collected in part in Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Vol. 1, but have never been collected in whole. These issues take place after Nightwing: On the Razor's Edge but before Nightwing: Year One.
Peacemaker #1-4
This 1988 series presented the first appearance of Peacemaker Christopher Smith in DC Comics continuity, after DC bought Peacemaker, Blue Beetle, the Question, and others from the former Charlton Comics. Peacemaker has recently appeared in the Blue Beetle books, and in Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape.
The Question (2004) #1-6
This Question miniseries by Rick Veitch and Tommy Lee Edwards was intended as part of the "Superstorm" event that saw the Superman books published by DC's Wildstorm team in Superman: Godfall, Brian Azzarello and Jim Lee on Superman For Tomorrow, Greg Rucka on Superman: Unconventional Warfare, and Chuck Austin on Superman: The Wrath of Gog. Also related was Azzarello's Lex Luthor: Man of Steel and an uncollected Vigilante miniseries, though problems with the Vigilante book and the onset of Infinite Crisis ended the "Superstorm" direction, hence DC never collected the Question miniseries.
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress
The first and second Robin miniseries are collected in Robin: A Hero Reborn and Robin: Tragedy & Triumph, but the third miniseries remains uncollected. After the third miniseries, Robin Tim Drake would gain his own ongoing series, first collected in Robin: Flying Solo.
Robin Vol. 4 #7, 10, 14-16
Robin: Flying Solo collects Robin #1-6, following the uncollected "Batman: Knightquest" storyline. Issue #7, also uncollected, is also part of the "Knightquest" storyline, while issues #8-9 appear in the Knightsend trade paperback. Issue #10 is an uncollected tie-in to the Zero Hour crossover event; issue #11 appears in the Prodigal trade paperback, and then few other Robin issues are collected until issue #121 with Robin: Unmasked.
Robin Vol. 4 #101
Part of the "World Without Young Justice" crossover with Young Justice #44.
Robin Annual #7
DC included the Damian Wayne story here in the Batman: The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul collection, but the Tim Drake and Dick Grayson stories are uncollected.
Showcase '93 #1-6
The first six issues of this anthology series spotlighted Catwoman, with backup stories starring Cyborg, Blue Devil, Geo-Force, Flash Wally West, and Peacekeeper. The Robin/Huntress stories in Showcase '93 #5-6 were collected in the Robin: Flying Solo trade paperback.
Static Shock Special
I'm including this one for now, though I'm not sure if the Static Shock Special will appear in the first collection of John Rozum's new Static Shock series or not. Static collections include Static: Trial by Fire, Static: Rebirth of the Cool, and Terror Titans.
Superboy #99
Only one issue of the Superboy series begun by Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett after the Death of Superman storyline has been collected -- issue #74, in the Young Justice: Sins of Youth trade paperback. Superboy #99 is part of a "World Without Young Justice" crossover with Young Justice #44.
Superman #73
The last page of this book is collected in the Death of Superman trade paperback, and the rest is in the Superman: Time and Time Again trade; however, the entire book is not collected together. Superman encounters Waverider and the Linear Men in a story about not changing time to undo past tragedies, purposefully ironic before the death of Superman.
Superman: The Man of Steel #17
Superman fights Metropolis's mutated underworlders; only the last page of this issue was collected in the Death of Superman trade paperback. Some of these Underworlders appear as level-end opponents in the Death of Superman video game (true fact!).
Superman/Batman #7
An issue teaming Robin and Superboy, published between Superman/Batman: Public Enemies and Superman/Batman: Supergirl, in which they fight the Hiro Toyman.
Superman/Batman #26
Sam Loeb, Jeph Loeb's son, wrote this issue shortly before he passed away. The issue contains art and writing assists from a slew of comics talent, including Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, Michael Turner, Joss Whedon, Ed McGuinness, Rob Liefeld, Tim Sale, and more. Published between Superman/Batman: Vengeance and Enemies Among Us, and deals with fallout from Infinite Crisis.
Superman/Batman #34-36
This uncollected story between Superman/Batman: Enemies Among Us and Superman/Batman: Torment features the Metal Men after their appearance in 52.
Superman/Batman #43
Superman and Batman fight Dr. Light in this issue by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning with art by Mike McKone, which references Identity Crisis, published between the Torment and Search for Kryptonite collections.
Superman/Batman #57-59
The three-part "Nanopolis" by Abnett and Lanning pits Batman and a miniaturized Superman against the Prankster; DC published the uncollected story between the
Superman/Batman: Finest Worlds and Night and Day collections.
Superman/Batman #76
Bannered as a "Return of Bruce Wayne" tie-in, this issue by Batman writer Judd Winick takes place after Final Crisis, and was published between the Superman/Batman: Worship and Sorcerer Kings collections.
Superman/Batman #77
This one-shot by Joshua Williamson with art by Ale Garza, teaming Supergirl and Robin Damian Wayne, was also published between the Superman/Batman: Worship and Sorcerer Kings collections.
Superman/Batman Annual #2
This non-continuity re-telling of World's Finest #178, by Joe Kelly and Scott Kolins, has not been collected. The story it re-tells served as the inspiration for 52's Supernova character. The only Superman/Batman annual that has been collected is the first, also by Joe Kelly, in Superman/Batman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told.
Superman/Batman Annual #3
Comics legend Len Wein retells World's Finest #142, in which Superman and Batman must defeat a composite robot with numerous powers, created by Professor Ivo.
Supergirl Vol. 4 #36-37
These two issues of Peter David's Supergirl series are part of a crossover with Young Justice #12-13. Only the first nine issues of this series are collected, in Supergirl, and the the last six, #75-80, in Supergirl: Many Happy Returns.
Supergirl Vol. 5 #20
This issue, which takes place between the Supergirl: Identity and Supergirl: Beyond Good and Evil trades, ties in to the Wonder Woman: Amazons Attack crossover.
Supergirl Vol. 5 #21-22
These Countdown to Final Crisis tie-in issues deal with discrepancies between the Legion of Super-Heroes that appear in Countdown, and the ones Supergirl encountered in the Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes series.
Untold Tales of the Blackest Night
This Halloween special includes stories of Ragman, Donna Troy, and Animal Man during Blackest Night, and is uncollected.
Wonder Woman #72-75
In the mid-1990s, these issues marked a new starting point in the William Messner-Loebs Wonder Woman series. Released in conjunction with Wonder Woman Retroactive: The '90s.
Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #5
DC published this issue between Wonder Woman: Who is Wonder Woman? and Wonder Woman: Love and Murder. Contains ties to Countdown to Final Crisis as Wonder Woman discovers the women's shelters ultimately run by a cosmic foe.
Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #11-13
Between Wonder Woman: Love and Murder, Wonder Woman: Amazons Attack, and Wonder Woman: The Circle, these are three fill-in issues that deal with Amazons Attack and its fallout.
Young Justice #8-55
Only the first seven issues of Peter David's much loved Young Justice series are collected. The entire series is now available digital, including the issues that crossed over into David's Supergirl series at the time, and also the "What Would Young Justice Do" crossover to that era's Superboy and Impulse comics. Also collected is the Young Justice: Sins of Youth "fifth week event," that took place between Young Justice #19 and #20.
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